Game » Letter blocks

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Letter blocks
Title: Letter blocks
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Viewed: 3,788 views
Description: Can you discover the treasuries of words among the golden letter blocks? In this game, your task is to use the given tiles to form words with 3 to 8 letters. You will be given a grid which contains numerous letter blocks, and you can form words by clicking the blocks. A selected tile will be marked in red, while its adjacent pieces will also be highlighted. When you are forming a word, the next coming letter must be adjacent to the previous letter. You may click the first letter again if you would like to cancel your selections. After you have finished spelling a word, click the final letter again to submit. A score will be given based on the length of the word. The number of words need to be formed will be shown on the left of the screen, and you need to fulfill the requirement in order to proceed. If you would like to get a new letter block, you can click an empty space in the play area, but note that blocks will also be automatically added to the grid from time to time. When the letter blocks pile up and all columns reach the top of the playing area, the game ends. Compete with friends and family and see who is the ultimate word master!

Game Categories: Attention and focusing, Executive Functioning, Memory, Puzzles, Reading/Vocabulary, Visual-spatial skills
Specific Skills Addressed: , , , ,
Educator's Review: In this game players put together as many words as they can from the available letters in the grid, while trying to level up before the letter blocks that are dropping onto the grid reach the top of the screen. Words must be formed from adjacent letters. This game requires a broad vocabulary, as well as the ability to think of full words when spotting a few letters from the that word.
Please Note: Players with weak expressive language skills will have a harder time with this game, however it can also be used to improve skills by providing help and hints as the player is trying to think of appropriate words.

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