Game » Continuity

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Game Details

Title: Continuity
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Description: A sliding-tile platformer. Awarded Best Student Game at the 2010 Independent Games Festival. Get Continuity 2: The Continuation for iPhone/iPad at the App Store Continuity was created by Elias Holmlid, Dmitri Kurteanu, Guy Lima, Jr., and Stefan Mikaelsson.
Instructions: Use the arrow keys and space bar.

Game Categories: Executive Functioning, Featured, Grade 6-8, Platform, Problem Solving, Puzzles, Visual-spatial skills
Specific Skills Addressed: , , , , ,
Educator's Review: Continuity is a unique sliding tile game where each tile contains part of the level and your goal is to shift the tiles around so your character can collect the various keys and make it to the red exit door. Sounds simple enough - except you can't just combine any tiles, the lines must continue (hence the name - get it?) seamlessly into the next tile or you can't move. Sometimes more than one tile will line up correctly, but not get you any closer to the final goal. You must be able to look at the overall picture AND line up the details correctly - but not all at once like a regular puzzle. Many levels require a tile to be in more than one place, so you have to proceed slowly, rearranging tiles until you finally reach your goal. This game relies heavily on visual spatial skills and problem solving techniques. This game has been compared to moving through an M.C. Escher drawing in two dimensions, and it's an apt description for how you have to constantly shift perspective in order to solve each puzzle.
Please Note: This game requires being able to see where details fit into the overall picture, and asks players to keep changing their perspective as they move through the level. This will be challenging for players who are more comfortable with predictability and being able to see an entire level before they start. However, this game is easy to learn and gradually increases the difficulty to help players improve their skills.

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