Game » One And One Story

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One And One Story
Title: One And One Story
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Description: One and One Story is not your common platformer. Watch the gameplay change as the protagonists face the euphoria and trials of their relationship.
Instructions: Arrow Keys To move; X or Up to Jump; Z or C to switch character (when allowed) R to restart

Game Categories: Executive Functioning, Featured, Grade 6-8, Platform, Problem Solving, Puzzles, Visual-spatial skills
Specific Skills Addressed: , ,
Educator's Review: One and One Story is a puzzle platform game where players have to alternate between controlling two different characters, a boy and a girl who are in love and trying to meet up. At first the characters are controlled by the arrow keys, but the gameplay changes as the story progresses. The game is divided up into chapters, and each one has its own set of rules, yet it feels very consistent despite the changes. The changes reflect what is happening in the story, which is told to the player through text narration. As the game progresses, players must rethink their strategies and adapt them to the current chapter's challenges, which encourages cognitive flexibility and often requires players to generate alternate solutions to problems when the original solutions no longer work. The platform nature of this game focuses on spatial relationships, as players have to judge distances and estimate jumps. This is not a long game and players should have no trouble completing it in one or two sittings. Completing the story as well as the game, for those players who relate to the story, gives players a bit of extra satisfaction.
Please Note: While there is not a lot of text in each chapter, players must read it in order to understand what is expected of them in each level. This might be a turn off for players that are not comfortable with their reading skills.

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