Game » Setti

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Game Details

Title: Setti
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Description: A Flash version to the well-known card game Set. You can play against the clock, or against another player in a hot-seat multiplayer game.

Game Categories: Attention and focusing, Board Game, Executive Functioning, Grade 3-5, Grade 6-8, Match 3, Multiplayer, Problem Solving, Puzzles, Visual-spatial skills
Specific Skills Addressed: , , , ,
Educator's Review: Based on the popular card game Set, this game asks players to find sets of 3 cards that are either all the same for a given characteristic, or all different. There are four characteristics on each card that can be used to group the cards - shape, color, fill, and number. Players sharpen their pattern-recognizing and visual discrimination skills in this game while trying to find as many sets as they can before the game is over. Players can also challenge each other in 2-player mode.
Please Note: This game requires players to keep several different characteristics in mind at once as they evaluate cards to see if they form a set. Some players will feel overwhelmed having to juggle this information while they play. There is a hint system though, which keeps players from getting stuck while they play. Using hints adds time to your overall playing time, but since there is no time limit to the game this will only bother players who care about setting a record, and they can choose not to use the hints. So there is enough flexibility in game play to appeal to both types of players. The timer cannot be removed from the screen, which may make some players nervous even if they don't care about their final time.

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